So, this weekend, Saturday, Archibald hit the gym and then immediately tried to work that off with a few cocktails from the Bulldog. I met a couple of lovely ladies named Jill and Lauren and spent the afternoon shooting the shit with total strangers. It was fun, fun, fun! I got some digits, but don't really expect anything to come from it.
That night, I grilled some alligator sausage (they have it at Breaux Mart but not at Rouse's) and it was spicy and lovely. I was pretty toasted, however, and think I might have it the hay before 8 p.m. Which screwed me up ROYALLY on Sunday because, of course, the time changes, so I was up, on a weekend, somewhere in the neighborhood of 6:30 a.m. I think I might be becoming my grandmother.
Anywhoo, so after a 9 a.m. visit to the gym, I drove my happy ass to Whole Foods. And do you know what I discovered there? Black Forest Bacon. WTF? Had to get some. Fried it up in a pan. Because I'm a woman, you know? Anywhoo, after eating a couple of strips, I decided that it would be a delicious day to make some extra special mashed potatoes with way too much cheese, sour cream, butter and bacon. DEEE-LICIOUS. I still have a bunch of it in my fridge. If anybody wants some, drop on by and I'll send you off with some delectable tupperware.