Oh, I don't know. I guess it's just the hot weather, but the last couple of days have dried me out, and I don't mean that on a blood-alcohol-content level. I mean I've just gotten tired of being sad. Good, old-fashioned depression is out. Now, it's just malaise, tainted with a nagging desire for something new, a replacement part, for lack of a better term.
Tomorrow is Friday, a day when people get together and go to Happy Hour and laugh and exchange pleasantries. Am I up for that? Not really sure. Will I give it a shot? Again, I'm ambivalent. Perhaps. I'm sure, after a while, I'll start to feel guilty if I'm having fun, you know, burying my head in the sand like a good ostrich, and I'll want to run off home to bury my head in my pillow and pout (boys don't cry).
These are just random musings. I'm feeling better about things (really!) and so, with that, I am in a mood to move on with my life, for whatever that's worth.
I just wish it weren't so FUCKING hot outside. I mean, seriously. Who turned on the broiler? The steak is done. Time to take it out of the oven and let it rest.
In other news, Caroline started first grade. She's officially a woman. Peace out to Sunshine and her brood.