Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hurricane Joke

What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree?

Hold on to your nuts because this is going to be one hell of a blow job.

Get it?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Too Freaking Funny

Feeder Band Anxiety

Okay, I'm starting to get a little skittish about this whole Gustav thing. My plan is to head to Baton Rouge on Friday evening if the models don't change significantly. What else is an ostrich to do? If the levees break, there will be two feet of water at my house. Thankfully, my house is three feet off the ground.

This whole thing has some serious deja vu about it. Katrina hit the Monday after the last Saints preseason game. If this one comes here, same freaky schedule.

Run to the hills!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Me, I don't like hurricanes much

Here's the projected path of Hurricane Gustav! How does that make you feel, boys and girls? Me, I'm not a big fan.

Get ready Sunshine! Archibald is coming to a house near you to read stories to the kids!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy to be back at work

Fuck, I really hate the weekends lately. Way too much time stuck alone in my own head. There was one good thing that happened, though. I had a bunch of really good friends join me at the Bulldog for a couple of beers on Friday night. And guess who showed up???

Bad Repp, that's who. Very cool to see her. Natalie informed me that she's no longer scared of me. I found that very amusing.

Amanda Talley was there, too! She's TALL! And always smiling, as usual.

Watched the Saints game on Saturday at my house, solamente Archibald. Spent Sunday trying to get to Monday. The rain didn't help much either.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The March Toward Normalcy

Oh, I don't know. I guess it's just the hot weather, but the last couple of days have dried me out, and I don't mean that on a blood-alcohol-content level. I mean I've just gotten tired of being sad. Good, old-fashioned depression is out. Now, it's just malaise, tainted with a nagging desire for something new, a replacement part, for lack of a better term.

Tomorrow is Friday, a day when people get together and go to Happy Hour and laugh and exchange pleasantries. Am I up for that? Not really sure. Will I give it a shot? Again, I'm ambivalent. Perhaps. I'm sure, after a while, I'll start to feel guilty if I'm having fun, you know, burying my head in the sand like a good ostrich, and I'll want to run off home to bury my head in my pillow and pout (boys don't cry).

These are just random musings. I'm feeling better about things (really!) and so, with that, I am in a mood to move on with my life, for whatever that's worth.

I just wish it weren't so FUCKING hot outside. I mean, seriously. Who turned on the broiler? The steak is done. Time to take it out of the oven and let it rest.

In other news, Caroline started first grade. She's officially a woman. Peace out to Sunshine and her brood.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back in the Saddle

I've had to take some time off here because, well, my ostrich brain just wasn't the right size to handle what has been up in my life. The Research Scientist is gone, and I will miss her dearly, but the show, as they say, must go on.

I have been in constant communication with Sunshine and, well, it appears there is some trouble in the Creech household. Weebs, with all of his accounting acumen, is apparently unaware that Aunt Liz is a Donkey. This hallucination is troublesome as best.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This pretty much says it all

I apologize, but I love this song and it's amazing. So enjoy. Yes, it's somewhat selfish, but what else is there to do?

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Monday, August 04, 2008

Research Scientist Update

Archibald doesn't normally like to talk about things that are bad or sad, so I'll make this brief: RS's condition has gone from critical to stable. Basically, she's no longer on an imminent death watch. Which is a good thing.

For the past 5 days, I have had the same song stuck in my head and can't get it out: "Girlfriend in a Coma" by the Smiths. I'm not joking and it's not funny. I simply can't get it out of my head. If anybody has a suggestion of how I can fix this problem, PLEASE let me know.
