Last night, I had a dream that I was back in college having to take a French exam. AGAIN!!! It's a brutal dream because of my well documented problems getting out of French in the first place. (Yes, before Tommy Boy came out, I was the kid running across campus screaming "I got a D Minus!!!") So, worse than anything, I also had to write my answers in pencil on some man's driveway. Furthermore, since my recall of French has become pretty much non-existent, I had no idea how to express my answers to the questions.
I blame all of this on Natalie's blog, btw.
Sunshine phoned last night to inform me that she is waiting for Guffman.
why do you blame ME?!?!
Ugh, I am with you brother. Took 3 years of french and only made it thru French II
Languages are the root of all life.
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