Last night, I had a dream that I was a prisoner at some religious camp. Luckily, I ran into Elizabeth N. who was also there. They were making her dress like an Amish person in plaid. So, anyway, I snuck into her room and we made fun of the religious programs they were making us watch on T.V.
I have no idea what the dream really means, but I think it has a lot to do with seeing a documentary about these mindless buttholes:
Click here to Get Dirty For God
So, thanks for being there in the dream, Liz. For what it's worth, my roommate in the dream was my super boring bass player in my college band (His name was Paul. He had a trust fund and collected, like a serious collector, Hustler Magazine, in their original conditions. He had, like, ten years worth. Anyway, Paul ended up marrying a stripper who had a baby and then left him with the baby. But Paul is a story for another day). Suicide was a definite possibilty. Liz's plaid, Amish arrival saved everything.
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