Sunday, April 23, 2006


Sorry for the delay in my posts, but I've been a busy Ostrich, having taken my yearly pilgramage to Southfork. Unfortunately for me, flying isn't an option. I had to run there and back!

JR Ewing wasn't there (again!) but I did find out that my good friends George Lucas and Natalie Portman are moving there in May. I might have a nest to crash on my next visit.

Upon my return to the Big Nasty, I met up with a young woman by the name of Elizabeth Robicheaux. She was in town for a wedding, but she met me at the Inferior Grill (where she has been in the bathroom reading a newspaper for the past five years). When it was time for her to go to the rehersal dinner, I put her in a cab and gave her a care package, which was actually a large top-shelf margarita. Reports from the dinner say that she was already repeating herself upon arrival. That Liz!

Unfortunately, Sunshine and her Burly Soldier didn't come across my path, but that was because they were probably too busy crying at the beautiful ceremony. Tears are bigger than fears. Not to be confused with Tears for Fears. Or deBeers, although, considering it was a wedding, is somewhat apropos.

Nope, with no visit from Sunshine, Big Nelly and I curled up on the sofa and watched a Saved By the Bell marathon all night. ON A SATURDAY.

Needless to say, I am disappointed with Sunshine and her matrimonail tear fest. But, well, you know women and weddings.