Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy to be back at work

Fuck, I really hate the weekends lately. Way too much time stuck alone in my own head. There was one good thing that happened, though. I had a bunch of really good friends join me at the Bulldog for a couple of beers on Friday night. And guess who showed up???

Bad Repp, that's who. Very cool to see her. Natalie informed me that she's no longer scared of me. I found that very amusing.

Amanda Talley was there, too! She's TALL! And always smiling, as usual.

Watched the Saints game on Saturday at my house, solamente Archibald. Spent Sunday trying to get to Monday. The rain didn't help much either.

1 comment:

Nat D said...

It was great to see you, thanks for including me! I'm in town much more lately, so just let me know if you ever want to meet up for a drink or lunch or anything.